Brookhaven Tree Permitting Ordinance
When branches belonging to a neighbor’s tree hang over your property, you have a right to trim the branches back to the property line. The city recommends hiring an ISA certified arborist to perform any pruning of branches to preserve the health of the tree. Homeowners may find an ISA Arborist at
The overall condition of dead/dying/hazardous trees and concerns raised by an adjacent property owner are a private civil matter. In these situations, the city recommends that the adjacent property owner send a formal letter with photographs of the trees documenting the matter by certified mail to the owner of record to put the tree owner on notice. A copy of the letter should also be sent to the adjacent property owner’s insurance company for the record.
When is a tree removal permit required?
A tree removal permit is required for removal of any tree greater than 6 inches Diameter at Breast Height (DBH).
Click image to download Brookhaven’s Tree Removal Sign Requirement.
How do I measure a tree’s diameter at breast height (DBH)?
Tree diameter at breast height, or DBH, is a standard method of expressing the diameter of a tree trunk in tree caliper inches. Arborists, Foresters and the like use a diameter tape to measure trees which is different than an inch tape one finds at a hardware store. To find out a tree’s DBH using an inch tape, measure the circumference of the tree trunk at a height of 4.5 feet from the ground. If the tree is on a slope, measure from the highest ground level. Divide the circumference of the tree by 3.14 to come up with the tree caliper inches at DBH. Example: 62 inches/3.14 =19.74 or 19 inches DBH.
Is a tree removal permit required for dead/dying/hazardous trees?
Yes, all trees 6″ in DBH or larger require a tree removal permit. The application is subject to arborist approval. You must submit an application via the Project Portal with photos of the tree, a site plan, and Tree Removal Data Sheet.
All trees 6 inches diameter or larger require a tree removal permit; The removal of up to two (2) trees, other than specimen trees, every 18 months is permissible so long as the minimum tree density of 130 DBH inches per acre and a canopy cover of at least 45% is maintained.
At Northside Tree Professionals, we file your Tree Removal Permits for you. Call us at 770-394-0905. We are your Metro Atlanta Tree Removal and Metro Atlanta Tree Service Specialist
Don’t get caught without a tree removal permit. It could result in a fine from your city and you may have to pay recompense (replacement value of the tree).