How to Make Proper Pruning Cuts on Trees Pruning trees is an important part of maintaining healthy and attractive landscapes. In..
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Why Is Soil Compaction a Problem for Trees?
Soil compaction is a widespread problem that can negatively impact the growth and health of trees. In this blog post,..
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When Is the Best Time to Prune a Tree?
Pruning is an important aspect of tree care that helps to maintain the health and appearance of a tree. It..
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How To Prepare Your Trees For Spring Growth Spring is a time of new beginnings and growth, and the same can..
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How to Prune a Japanese Maple Pruning a Japanese maple tree can be a delicate task, but it is an important..
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10 Essential Tree Care Tips for Atlanta, Georgia Atlanta is a city of lush green spaces and magnificent trees, but it..
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Why Figs Trees are Hardy and Easy to Maintain in Atlanta
Growing figs trees for their shade and/or fruit is exceptionally easy here in Metro Atlanta because fig trees are not..
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Tree Trimming in Atlanta
Proper Tree Pruning Clear established objectives should be defined when considering tree trimming and pruning. Removing branches from a tree can..
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Tree Care Guide for Property Managers
Inspection and Assessment It is best to schedule an appointment with a responsible tree service company to walk the property for..
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Pruning Your Trees
The best time to prune your trees is between fall and early spring. Fall:  Reduce the dead or weak limbs so they..
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