Why Is Atlanta Called The City In The Forest?
Atlanta is known as the “City in the Forest” due to its lush tree coverage. With over 50% of the..
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Why Figs Trees are Hardy and Easy to Maintain in Atlanta
Growing figs trees for their shade and/or fruit is exceptionally easy here in Metro Atlanta because fig trees are not..
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Cicadas and Snakes
Cicadas Emerge Millions of cicadas are expected to emerge this year after spending 17 years underground. In addition to the loud noise..
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Proper Tree Placement Around Your House There are 3 zones for tree placement around your home and utility poles. Low Zone: Trees..
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Winter Tree Care
The winters in Metro-Atlanta have had days of 22F degrees and colder over the last few years.  Your property’s trees..
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Planting a Bradford Pear Vs a Real Fruit Tree We begin by talking about the Bradford Pear and why it is not..
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How Much Space to Leave Between Planted Trees
When Planting, it is common to give trees 50 to 60 feet of space. Trees are frequently planted and..
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Surface Rooting – Understanding the Root Systems of Maple and Birch Trees
Certain Maples and Birch Tree are Known to have Surface Roots.   If you already have maple and birch trees in..
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Tree planting locations around the home and structures.
How to Pick the Right Spot to Plant A Tree in your yard. There are a number of components associated..
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14 Trees You Can Actually Plant in the Fall With fall upon us, planting trees might be the last thing on..
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