How to Pick the Right Spot to Plant A Tree in your yard.
There are a number of components associated with planting a tree. It is critical to select the correct type of tree for the conditions of your property. You should consider these elements when planting a tree: function, sunlight, closeness to a structure and water, and the quality of the soil.
Trees enhance the presentation of your home. They can also serve as windbreaks, provide privacy and help to absorb noise. They freshen the atmosphere, provide shelter and divide a property into various use areas. But, trees are most often planted for their shading ability. If placed well, the trees will shade the home during the summer’s latter afternoon. The most important shade trees on a property are frequently located near the southwest corner of the home. Air moving through the limbs of a tree is cooled off by transpiration from the tree’s leaves.
It is important to consider the sun’s path all year long when considering the planting of a tree on your property. Depending on the size of a tree when it is full grown, planning for its shading ability will help determine where it should be planted. Also, the impact of the shade from other tree’s in your or your neighbor’s yard should also help determine where to plant your new tree. A full grown tree that is 40 feet tall and that has a 25 foot spreading of its limbs will cast a shadow equal to the tree’s height around 4 o’clock in the afternoon. The sun is highest in the sky on June 21st, about 73° degrees above the horizon, and it is lowest in sky on December 21st, when it is about 26° above the horizon. In summertime, the sun travels in a northeastern to a northwestern direction and in the winter it moves from a southeaster to southwestern direction.
If you have any concerns about where to plant you a tree, please call Northside Tree Professionals at 770-394-0905.
One factor that is often neglected when planting a tree is to consider its need for growing space. The improper location of a planted tree can eventually result in limbs being too close to your home or other structures on your property. Plus, the tree’s roots can have an adverse effect on you driveway or sidewalks, retailing walls or even your home’s foundation. You also could have issues with overhead or underground power lines and your plumbing. Not only should you always contact your local utility companies, especially before digging in your front yard, you should also consider this rule of thumb. Large trees should be planted at least 20 feet or more away from your home but small trees may be planted a bit closer at 12-15 feet from a structure.
Please contact Northside Tree Professionals at 770-394-0905 to have one of our Certified Arborist to advise you about trees on your property.
If your yard has a significant slope to it, trees planted at the lower areas of your yard may retain more water and drainage issues could become a real issue. This fact is good to consider when deciding on the location for planting your tree and what water its future water trees needs may be.
The soil of your new tree’s natural environment may be quite different from the composition of the soil on your property. A soil test can advise you as to what nutrients and other element you may need to make to your soil to aid you tree in healthy growth.